Hi and welcome to an LTE. This is going to be a very long thing. Have you ever heard about BFDI? It's a long show about random objects battling. Oh, wait, there's a lot of shows like that, but only because they're based on BFDI. 11/9/2023 I feel like it's been awhile in life, even though I know it's only been four days. I don't really know what to talk about, so I'm going to talk about something really obscure. I'm 100% sure that you don't know about Smile of a Child, and as the only person who watches, I'm going to tell you everything about it.but before that i realized that the lte probably only has like 600 characters. OK now we can start talking about it Smile of a Child was made in 2005 and is a TV channel. it was launched at 3:00 AM not joking and the exact second 2017 happened it rebranded all of its shows are weird and look like they haven't been changed since 2005 the only one that isn't weird is VeggieTales even the show in betweens look like they haven't changed since 2005 not the bumpers the other things it is being live streamed but warning you have to create an account like everything else on the internet. now thatS over i'm probably gonna get rid of all the stuff at the top of the tomorrow last thing i wanna talk about this probably never be accepted by the big lte site. 11/11/2023 eleven eleven it would be even better if i started writing this in 2011. interesting thing that's happening i'm trying to make the longest line rider track currently it's at 8:15 Long i had one that was 13 minutes long but it got deleted sorry i don't have much to talk about today THE END.